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Dawid Rogowicz – Frontend Developer

Dawid Rogowicz

Frontend Developer

at Boldare - Product Design and Development Company

ArticleWord embeddings with TensorFlow

Word embeddings with TensorFlow

Have you ever wondered how it is that you can “talk to” your computer? For example, you can ask something from your Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, or type a simple question to the chatbot and get a tailored answer in return. It looks easy from the user’s point of view (unless you have a distinct accent!), however, it’s getting complicated from the engineering perspective. How come?

ArticleA short tale about switches and the alternatives in JavaScript

A short tale about switches and the alternatives in JavaScript

Do you like ‘if’ statements? Me neither… They’re cool and all but after writing the 3rd ‘if else’ you should probably stop for a moment and ask yourself, “What am I doing with my life?” If only there was a better way to run a specific piece of code based on some variable… Okay, enough fooling around, let’s get to the topic.