Home Blog Software Development Fifth 5-star review on Clutch for Boldare!

Fifth 5-star review on Clutch for Boldare!

We are happy to announce that Boldare just received another 5 star review on Clutch.co. It’s our 5th 5-star review in a row and yet another from an American company.

Fifth 5-star review on Clutch for Boldare!

Table of contents

For our partner, Response Systems LLC, we created a brand new version of their alert system desktop application and built Android and iOS apps. The product, CRS Notify, is a panic button system that allows employees to inform others in the event they need assistance and maintain communication throughout that event.

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New opinion on Boldare

We were able to deliver the products within very tight and demanding deadlines, working with a 7-hour time zone difference. Despite this, we not only delivered great results on time, but were able to keep our team engaged and devoted to the job:

“I was really impressed with how much they cared about our product.”

Allan Wilson, President, CRS

If you’re looking for a reliable software development partner, we encourage you to explore our Clutch.co profile to find more information about our previous collaborations and read our reviews.