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Natalia Zglińska – Employer Branding Specialist

Natalia Zglińska

Employer Branding Specialist

at Boldare - Product Design and Development Company

ArticleWhy are trips to clients standard for Boldare teams?

Why are trips to clients standard for Boldare teams?

Find out why Boldare teams regularly travel to clients. What does it look like in practice? What are the benefits for our employees, organization, and clients? Read on to dig deeper!

ArticleHow to build a professional cushion? Discover Boldare’s talent pool

How to build a professional cushion? Discover Boldare’s talent pool

⁣Is there any secret formula to success in your career? What does “professional cushion” mean?⁣ And, finally, what is a talent pool, and how can candidates and companies benefit from it? Read on and get the answers!

ArticleBoldare awarded with #TechForGood 2022 Badge

Boldare awarded with #TechForGood 2022 Badge

We received a #TechForGood 2022 Badge. It’s how Tech To The Rescue chooses to recognize technological leaders who have delivered projects for non-profit organizations.

ArticleWe won the grand prize in the Puls Biznesu “Siła Przyciągania” contest!

We won the grand prize in the Puls Biznesu “Siła Przyciągania” contest!

We are pleased to announce that Boldare has received the top prize in the “Siła Przyciągania” contest, organized by Puls Biznesu. The competition aims to identify the most exciting and effective campaigns, initiatives, and actions that result in a company attracting and retaining the most talented employees in the Polish market.

ArticleWhat is the golden mean for self-development? Meet some Boldare ideas

What is the golden mean for self-development? Meet some Boldare ideas

How does Boldare support and enhance employee self-development? Why do we believe that the team and work culture make a real difference in your growth? If you’re curious for answers, read this article.

ArticleHow to get the most out of working face to face?

How to get the most out of working face to face?

Teams working together face to face can still be a positive option, as long as it's planned in an interesting and thoughtful way. Learn our secret ideas to build team spirit in the age of remote working.

ArticleHow we support Product Development with Chapters

How we support Product Development with Chapters

The success of a digital product doesn’t just depend on the skills and experience of the people designing and developing it. Your product relies on the skills and experience to be found within the whole organization. But how to get everyone involved? Our solution is something that we call ‘chapters’ – specialist groups that support our Full Cycle Product Development approach. Read on to learn what chapters are and how we use them.

ArticleWe donated $59,000 for Boldare people’s well-being

We donated $59,000 for Boldare people’s well-being

People now live in a complex reality and often focus on helping others rather than give attention to ourselves. How not to remain indifferent to this situation and effectively care of employees in these difficult times? Meet one of our ideas.

ArticleHow to support people in times of crisis?

How to support people in times of crisis?

Shortly after the conflict in Ukraine started, we asked ourselves: how to help our employees amid the invasion? How to support people affected by this situation? We felt (and still do) a strong need for action and help.

ArticleBoldare stands with Ukraine

Boldare stands with Ukraine

We stand in solidarity with all the people affected by the crisis in Ukraine. We support Boldare employees who are from Ukraine and have family there. We are doing everything we can to be supportive of them in particular.

ArticleHow to support social impact organizations in Boldare?

How to support social impact organizations in Boldare?

Is it meaningful to you to help organizations spread their social impact? Do you want to join an organization that builds products pro bono? At Boldare, you would hit home! Find out how our people fulfil their values by acting for charity in the IT sector.

ArticleHow to find the golden mean between simplicity and expanded functionality in an emergency app?

How to find the golden mean between simplicity and expanded functionality in an emergency app?

Meet our recipe for emergency assistance: the “Team Alert” panic button. What improvements did we make to ensure it is well-developed and user-friendly? And how did we travel from MVP to PMF? Read the story.

ArticleHow to build an accessible app for people with disabilities?

How to build an accessible app for people with disabilities?

Here’s the story of a unique app that we improved for one of our partners. The app is designed to help people with various disabilities and support them in everyday activities. Read on to find out what challenges we faced and what solutions brought us closer to success.

ArticleThis article will change your approach to product development for good

This article will change your approach to product development for good

Are you sick and tired of spending ages on the same project? Do you feel that your strengths and skills go to waste and nobody pays attention to your personal growth? Here it is, our brilliant, smart solution to all of your doubts and frustrations: Full Cycle Product Development. Wait, what?! Please, just give us a moment to explain this complex-sounding phrase a little.