Home Blog Software Development Another 5-star review for Boldare on Clutch.co

Another 5-star review for Boldare on Clutch.co

The 5-star reviews on Clutch.co continue to arrive! This latest piece of heartfelt appreciation comes from our partner, endios, the SaaS provider focused on smart city and smart energy apps in Germany.

Another 5-star review for Boldare on Clutch.co

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One of endios’ mobile apps was ready to be expanded. Boldare was engaged to develop and implement additional functionality for the app’s users. On the face of it, that sounds like a small-scale commission, but as endios’ CEO, Malte Kalkoffen says,

We were impressed with their desire to establish a long-lasting relationship and deliver a long-term solution.

Recommended to endios by a previous client partner, Boldare quickly set up a development team comprising iOS and Android devs plus a scrum master. Regular and close collaboration, using tools such as Jira, enabled transparent communication, effective problem-solving, and on-time delivery of the product.

And endios’ final comment?

Great partner, we will definitely work with them again

We couldn’t ask for more from a valued client and successful project.

Boldare’s work in Europe

This welcome feedback is from yet another European company that has chosen Boldare to be a trusted digital development partner.

You can browse our client reviews on Clutch.co or visit the case study section on our website to read more detailed accounts of our collaborations.

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