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Hummingbird-Style Scrum – When More Flexibility is Needed

Scrum revolves around the concept of a sprint – a focused burst of activity that yields a functional version of the product being developed. The efficacy of Scrum as a methodology partly lies in its organized approach to each sprint, encompassing a sprint backlog, goal, planning, daily meetings, and, upon completion, a sprint review and sprint retrospective. This tight focus undeniably drives results. However, could it be that for certain projects, this sprint-centric method is somewhat overwhelming? Perhaps even – if we may suggest – a tad rigid? Yet, Agile is versatile, and Scrum’s application isn’t one-size-fits-all. For smaller projects, prone to abrupt changes in priorities or direction, Scrum can be adapted to a more nimble, hummingbird-like approach, as advocated by consultant and Agile/Scrum specialist, Maarten Dalmijn. Continue reading to discover more.

Hummingbird-Style Scrum – When More Flexibility is Needed

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Why an alternative approach to Scrum might be necessary?

Ironically, for a system that is labeled “Agile,” some view Scrum as being too rigid. This perception arises when the team commits to specific goals (increments) during planning, concentrating on delivering the agreed-upon value. However, this approach might seem too stringent due to its emphasis on sprint goals. If a product faces numerous interruptions, unforeseen needs, or changes that affect the sprint goal or related tasks, it might seem that the original planning falls apart. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that sprints are not solely about meeting initial goals. The core purpose of sprints is to deliver incremental value.

So, Scrum’s agility truly shines when there’s a clear, unified objective for the development team for the duration of the sprint, whether it’s a week or two. That’s why, when adopting a hummingbird-style Scrum, we start with one sprint goal, just like in “classic” Scrum. The team dedicates itself to achieving this goal, but upon completion, if there’s still capacity for more work, we don’t simply stick to the initial plan. Instead, we assess the most critical current needs and select the highest-priority task from the product backlog. This approach ensures that Scrum remains dynamic and responsive, capable of adapting to changes and maximizing productivity within the sprint’s timeframe.

What is Hummingbird-style Scrum?

The best way to define the Hummingbird-style Scrum is to contrast it with regular, ‘vanilla’ Scrum.


  • In regular Scrum, sprint planning drives the sprint – the team knows exactly what it is aiming to achieve and deliver and what needs to be done to do so. Changing the plan is very rare, as the entire team pledges to the goal at the beginning of a sprint.
  • In Hummingbird Scrum, things are left more flexible and the plan emerges during the sprint; depending on new information, the team can pivot mid-sprint. Changing the plan is normal.

Sprint backlog

  • In regular Scrum, the sprint backlog – the list of tasks to be achieved during the sprint is almost sacred.
  • In Hummingbird Scrum, changes to the backlog are practically encouraged.

Sprint planning

  • In regular Scrum, the sprint planning process fills up the team’s capacity – all available time is allocated to sprint activities.
  • In Hummingbird Scrum, work and activity can be added as necessary (in this aspect, it can resemble the Kanban approach).

Sprint goal

  • In regular Scrum, the overall aim is to achieve the sprint goal and complete all the work planned, such as refactoring or completing non-functional requirements.
  • In Hummingbird Scrum, the aim is to achieve the sprint goal; the activities required to do so may vary from the team’s initial predictions.

So, why does Maarten Dalmijn describe this more fluid approach to Scrum as a Hummingbird? Instead of sitting down to a single, big meal (the sprint) a hummingbird is perpetually on the move, feeding rapidly and from a selection of different sources – sipping nectar quickly and then moving on to the next flower (priority, task, focus, etc.) To stay alive, the hummingbird feeds quickly, is always moving, and changes direction constantly.

When to use Hummingbird-style Scrum

For most software development projects, regular-style Scrum can be a perfect fit. The rigor and regular meetings keep the team focused, the product owner is part of the process, and when sprints are just five or ten days in length, there are plenty of opportunities to pivot, if necessary.

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However, the success of the development depends on the success of the sprint process – sprint planning is critical and, despite the best efforts at product discovery, the team may not have all the relevant information when planning a sprint.

This is where Hummingbird-style Scrum can be a better option. Some projects just seem prone to changes of priority – stakeholders change their minds, new information comes to light, unexpected production issues arise, fresh user requirements or behaviors are uncovered… something is always occurring that means the plan is no longer fit for purpose. Some projects are more complex, it’s clear at the planning stage that there are unknown factors or issues that won’t emerge until the project is underway – sometimes you just have to start building to find out what you don’t know. In circumstances like these, the hummingbird is in its element.

The benefits of Hummingbird-style Scrum

For complex or unpredictable software development projects, Hummingbird-style Scrum offers a way of navigating uncertainty. Regular Scrum teams are driven by the sprint goal, the sprint plan, and the sprint backlog. The success or failure depends on delivering everything planned.

A Hummingbird team can start the sprint with just enough tasks to get started, filling in the rest of their productive time by adding tasks that emerge as important to the sprint goal. Nothing is set in stone, and the hummingbird doesn’t always know in advance from which flowers it will be sipping that nectar. In any project, you don’t know what you don’t know – with Hummingbird-style Scrum, the flexibility means that as you discover what you didn’t know, along the way, you can incorporate that new knowledge mid-sprint. Sprint plans are meant to be a tool, not a master.

Hummingbird-style Scrum – another option in the development tool kit

None of this is to say that ‘regular’ Scrum is bad or at all outdated. Sometimes rigorous batch planning with less flexibility and a tighter focus is the best answer. Yet sometimes, project (or product) complexity and unpredictability require a different answer.

In a sense, Hummingbird-style Scrum is based on acknowledging that prior to development activity (the sprint) the team cannot know everything. Yes, good planning helps. Yes, continuous discovery helps. But the world (and software development) is uncertain and Hummingbird-style Scrum is about factoring in that unpredictability – expecting it, rolling with it, adapting to it, and guiding software development in response to it.


Q: How does Hummingbird-style Scrum handle team roles and responsibilities?

A: In Hummingbird-style Scrum, the roles and responsibilities of team members remain fundamentally similar to traditional Scrum, but they are adapted to be more fluid to match the dynamic nature of the methodology. The Scrum Master, for instance, might take on a more facilitative role in helping the team navigate changes mid-sprint, while the Product Owner must be highly responsive to shifts in project priorities and able to reassess the product backlog more frequently. Development teams, on the other hand, are encouraged to be more autonomous and proactive in addressing emerging tasks and challenges as they arise.

Q: What specific metrics or tools does Hummingbird-style Scrum use to track progress and success, given its dynamic nature?

A: Regarding the tools and metrics used in Hummingbird-style Scrum, the approach leans heavily on real-time feedback mechanisms and less on predefined sprint metrics. Teams might employ Kanban boards to manage tasks dynamically and use continuous integration tools to ensure that changes are deployed and tested swiftly. Success in Hummingbird-style Scrum is measured more by the team’s ability to adapt and respond to changes rather than merely meeting predefined goals, emphasizing value delivery over strict adherence to initial plans.

Q: Are there any case studies or examples of companies that have successfully implemented Hummingbird-style Scrum?

A: As for case studies or examples of companies that have implemented Hummingbird-style Scrum successfully, specific names and detailed studies are often not publicly detailed due to proprietary practices or the customized nature of agile implementations. However, companies in fast-paced industries such as technology startups, digital marketing agencies, and software firms dealing with rapidly changing customer demands and technologies are likely candidates for adopting such an agile methodology. These organizations benefit from being able to pivot quickly and often require the ability to continually reassess and adjust their goals and processes to stay competitive and innovative.