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Will no-code replace developers?

Nothing drives development more than the ability to automate specific processes. Every industrial revolution has been about automating parts of the process for faster and more effective production. The time has come for automation in programming. No-code tools are developing quickly and the question arises: will no-code replace developers?

Will no-code replace developers?

Table of contents

No-code - definition and tools

No-code promises a way to develop a professional app without using any coding (see the full definition in our article on the no-code revolution). The tools are designed with an intelligent user interface (UI) to make it easy for non-developers to create app workflows.

Here are some examples of branches where we meet no-code solutions besides simple app building:

  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Analytics tools - Google Analytics
  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS) project management solutions

And here are a few examples of simple online tools using a drag-and-drop no-code user interface:

  • Bubble – a technology designed to enable non-technical teams to make custom apps. It offers lots of features to alleviate no-code limitations, including a marketplace with templates.
  • Airtable – an excellent example of a no-code option that can be used for more than app development. It’s a great tool to organize teams, connecting database tools with an easy to understand spreadsheet interface.
  • Quickbase – this no-code tool improves company workflow between IT and non-IT teams. Non-IT teams can create workflows that are easier to understand for IT teams. Quickbase is an excellent example of why no-code is a useful tool but won’t replace real developers.
  • Webflow – Chceck out the story about Plantarium – a website made with Webflow no-code platform.

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Are no-code and low-code the same?

No-code is not the same as low-code. Both have the same goal, so often they are described together. Low-code is similar in that it offers simple solutions that don’t require much in the way of coding skills. It may require some, though. At the same time, low-code options leave an open window for modification by developers with a professional background.

Is no-code the ultimate solution for industry struggles?

The potential benefits for companies using no-code are easy to see:

  • increased efficiency (by automation of tasks and processes),
  • reduced costs,
  • faster product development,
  • increased flexibility: no-code platforms can help companies quickly adapt to changing needs and requirements, which can be vital in today’s VUCA world,
  • increased accessibility - no-code helps to create apps and websites that are more accessible (for non-technical users, disabled people, etc.)

Is no-code a solution for the future? Let’s take off the rose-tinted glasses and dig into why these potential benefits aren’t as straightforward as they look.

A role shift in your company – a citizen developer position

As anyone can successfully use no-code tools, there will be a role shift in companies which do: some employees will slowly migrate to an entirely new position - a citizen developer. Who is a citizen developer? Gartner brings the best definition to the table:

A citizen developer is an employee who creates application capabilities for consumption by themselves or others, using tools that are not actively forbidden by IT or business units. A citizen developer is a persona, not a title or targeted role. They report to a business unit or function other than IT.


In other words: a citizen developer is someone who builds applications without the need for professional or formal training in programming. Citizen developers are not professional developers or programmers. What exactly does this mean for the company? The company will have to either employ someone strictly for this position or employ someone to cover the duties of a person who moved to that position. In both cases, it means increased spending.

Security in no-code development

Forrester reports that citizen developers have probably never had any development classes (Source). Even worse, they know nothing about security development and common security concepts, so the risk of mis-configuring permissions or data leak can be high.

Citizen developers aren’t developers, so companies have to reorganize the structure and strategy to include them. A no-code developer is in no position to replace a developer or do parts of their work.

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IT development outside of the development team’s scope

If anyone can be a developer, then development teams lose sight of no-code apps, leading to slower collaboration between teams and the abovementioned security gaps. It needs to be under some control otherwise, one of two scenarios can happen:

  • out of control IT systems (so-called shadow IT),
  • uncentralized design leads to less efficient use of resources (so called application sprawl).

Citizen developers’ goals

Forrester analyzed the differences between low-coders and professional developers; the results showed that low-coders’ goals differ (source). Where programmers focus on solving technical problems and leaving the business to their more suited colleagues, citizen developers put changing the business model as a high priority.

No-code’s limitations

Nothing proves better that low-code won’t replace developers than simply checking its possibilities. Manual code offers the full range of tools to suit one’s product, while no-code development is limited to the options provided by the platform used. Low-code alleviates that to some degree, but in the end, it’s the same.

Since the app is dependent on the platform used, it’s also dependent on platform upgrades and security updates. The no-code market is booming right now, which means that in the end, some platforms will lose the battle and disappear from the market – leaving users without further support.

Reworking legacy solutions

It’s just not possible to use no-code to rework classic solutions. No-code may succeed in replacing the UX layer, but it won’t handle external integrations. There’s also no way to give users the possibility to rearrange their interface.

Will no-code replace developers?

Answering the title question: will no-code replace developers? No, it won’t. The premise of no-code is simple: it promises to save time and money thanks to faster delivery. No-code tools are great examples of the continuous drive to find new ways of being more productive.