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Press Release: Plantarium received an Honorable Mention

They say that the lightning doesn’t strike twice - yet, for us it’s happened three times. Our recent landing page, dedicated to pet owners, has won a prestigious Awwwards Honorable Mention. Plantarium is the third website in a row that has been recognized in this way. Read on to learn why this site is different from anything else we’ve done before.

Press Release: Plantarium received an Honorable Mention

Table of contents

What is a Honorable Mention?

Awwwards.com is famous among those involved in the design industry. It’s a hub where the world’s best designers show off their work and compete for recognition - an Honorable Mention. To get one, you need to receive high marks from the community and from the Awwwards judges. The score reflects four aspects:

  • design
  • usability
  • creativity
  • content

What is Plantarium and how does it help pet owners?

Plantarium is a site built with a noble purpose - to educate pet owners on what plants can be harmful to their pets. Animals tend to nibble leaves and some popular house plants can be toxic when ingested. The only thing that a responsible pet owner can do is to avoid buying plants that carry any risk of poisoning. Plantarium is an encyclopedia of such plants, presented in a visual manner for better knowledge retention.

But here’s what makes this website special. We decided to challenge ourselves and build Plantarium without writing even a single line of code, using Webflow - a tool designed specifically for that purpose. We wanted to see if a no-code website could compete with those built in the conventional way.

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What made Plantarium a success?

The results exceeded our expectations. Plantarium runs smoothly on all devices, and we’ve had no report of any technical glitches. The Awwwards community gave us an overall score of 8.21 out of 10. After a brief period of consideration, the judges awarded us the coveted Honorable Mention!This latest recognition is just more evidence that it’s the people that matter, not technology. We design our websites just like we build any other digital products, allowing every team member to contribute and exchange ideas in the spirit of the Agile mindset. We are planning to continue with this approach, so more recognition is just a matter of time.