Italian model agency focused on providing models and hostesses

UI & UX Rebuilding

UI & UX Rebuilding

Product canvas workshop interface design, Architecture, Wireframes, Graphic Design, Implementation, PHP5, Symfony 2.6, MySQL, MariaDB, Java Script

ShowbizModels - fancy app for world-wide modeling agency

We created technically stable application that can be scaled. The application is fast and enables quick actions. With technical, UX and design changes, Client noticed an increase in the number of registered users. It is a huge advantage and brings many business values.


UX & UI app redesign

What we’ve done is front-end and backup application. The goal was to keep it simple and user-friendly. We wrote a new application from scratch. Basing on years of experience our Partner knew exactly which functions are useful and used most often. The result of programming work is a Symfony application in the admin panel using the Bootstrap, so the admin’s actions are comfortable for all types of devices.

Showbiz on different devices

Main Challenge:

Simplify usability for both: the admin & the user


Old fashion UI/UX

the interface was unsuited for today’s standards

No responsive

new users did not register as often as the used to

Outdated database

it did not meet today’s safety requirements


Be global

redesigned interface for the best user experience

Many registered users

increased number of registered users

Stable, safety, scaled app

modern application that is attractive and intuitive

Design process

Co-op with a partner that knew exactly which functions are useful and used most often

We always put user in the first place during the design process to guarantee the best experience. That also helps us better understand his needs and build the app in a way to achieve all of the business goals that our client is looking for.

Product vision

Target analysis

Target analysis

Competitors analysis

Competitors analysis

Business values

Business values

Business weakness

Business weakness

Product vision

Product vision

Target users

Potential models

Potential models

Who are already the hostess or would like to become the models

Potential customers

Potential customers

Who can visit and look at the models’ catalog, filtering be several chosen parameters

Product canvas workshop


App architecture






Functional approach

We built new app - for the admin and the user

We designed and wrote a new application from scratch. From the user’s perspective - we made a new design of both the application and information pages. The most important thing was to build a user control panel, so that the registration and updates of data (especially photos) were simple and allowed downloading data and photos from Facebook. Obviously, the new design is responsive so the site looks modern and elegant.

registered models

models in the database

actors in the database

new faces in the database

Perfect management tool

From the admin perspective

Extensive admin panel

Easy way to create the castings, models management and creating events.

The admin can quickly search for models according to interesting attributes, for example - languages, site, height or measurements. Thanks to receiving the requests from the Partner, it can quickly determine how many models are actually available in your area or meet specifies requirements.

Admin panel
Casting form

new users

From the user perspective

Become a model in a second!

New US & design of the application and information pages. The most important thing was to build a user control panel, so that the registration and updates of data were simple.

Easy Facebook login

1 Easy Facebook login

Registration and updates of data are simple and allows downloading data and photos from Facebook

Create or edit your profile in a second

2 Create or edit your profile in a second

Accounts easy to set and manage

Create professional photos

3 Create professional photos

Our guidebook helps you to create good looking photos

Find casting and become model quickly

4 Find casting and become model quickly

The casting list allows you to find the castings which are the best for you

More than models

From the client perspective

App allows to search for models who meet the exact requirements of the end customer

Huge search allows to find the models/hostess which you’re looking for. For example: finding a hostess above 170cm height, available in Milan, speaking both Italian and English is not a problem anymore

Search for models

2 Teams / 1 Office / 1 Scrum

1 PO + 1 SM + 2 Designers + 2 Front-end Developers + 2 PHP Developers


In continuous integration we ran 145 tests cases that performed 832 assertions

The portal contains part of CMS, where you can edit the content visible on the website and edit the blog section. We decided to use WordPress and make integration between WP and Symfony with help of custom API. Displaying paginated list of application, e.g. a list of models, we had to join to query that the model address information, attachments, statuses, etc. Component (whiteoctober / Pagerfanta) This list was divided into pages and generated sub-optimal query in a MySQL database which lasted several tens of seconds. We used MariaDB database, which have improved performance joints and subqueries.


addresses viewed by Google API

migrations of models’ profiles

migrations of multimedia

times in the test environment


Are you ready
to start your event
with us?