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Aneta Orszewska – Product Strategist

Aneta Orszewska

Product Strategist

at Boldare - Product Design and Development Company

ArticleUpstream Kanban: Streamlining Product Development Complexity

Upstream Kanban: Streamlining Product Development Complexity

Too many stakeholders and unclear directions slowing down your product development? Upstream Kanban can help. This method organizes ideas and requirements, turning them into actionable tasks. Learn how this approach improved our client's processes and see how it can benefit you.

ArticleProduct Discovery Workshops - Practical Insights on How We Do It

Product Discovery Workshops - Practical Insights on How We Do It

If you have ever built a digital product before, you know perfectly well that the product discovery phase is absolutely crucial to the creation of either a new product or development of an existing one. Learn how to make most of it!

ArticleProduct Roadmaps - a Must-Have for Every Product Team

Product Roadmaps - a Must-Have for Every Product Team

We live in a world where predicting tomorrow has become more and more difficult. This is why when building digital products you need something to refer to at all stages of development. Something to help you make the right decisions when circumstances suddenly change. One of the tools that provides such guidance is a product roadmap. What is it exactly? How can it benefit your product? That’s what we talk about in this article.

ArticlePhase by phase - benefits of using Full Cycle Product Development

Phase by phase - benefits of using Full Cycle Product Development

What is full cycle product development, and why do we use it at Boldare? Read on to learn about each of the full cycle product development phases.