Home Blog Product Workshops Amsterdam Meetup: Accelerate Your Business Growth with Product Strategy and User-Centric Design

Amsterdam Meetup: Accelerate Your Business Growth with Product Strategy and User-Centric Design

This time, our crew sets sail in Amsterdam! Join our Product Strategist, Oskar Kwitek, and Growth Tribe expert, Tarek Reslan, for our double-featured meetup. If you’re an entrepreneur or decision-maker eager to explore Product-Led Growth and user-centric design, this is for you. Continue reading for more details about the event.

Amsterdam Meetup: Accelerate Your Business Growth with Product Strategy and User-Centric Design

Table of contents

During the event, attendees will have a chance to participate in two sessions:

  • “Strategizing for Success: Building a Strong Foundation for Product-Led Growth” by Oskar Kwitek, Boldare.“
  • Mastering User Insights: Usability Testing, Value Activation, and Persona Development workshops” by Tarek Reslan, Growth Tribe.

Both sessions will start at 18:30 and run concurrently. At 19:15, there will be a session switch, allowing attendees to swap rooms to ensure everyone experiences both sessions. Shortly after 20:00, we invite attendees to join us for guided networking, drinks, and interactions. The evening will be hosted by Matt Hallmann.

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Who should attend?

If you’re an entrepreneur, innovator, or decision-maker:

  • Looking to make informed decisions about your business
  • Aiming for rapid product-market fit
  • Eager to enhance your customer base and revenue

This is the place to be!

Speakers Spotlight:

Oskar Kwitek is a Product Strategist at Boldare. A firm advocate of agile methodologies, Oskar consistently delivers exceptional customer value while promoting team growth. Join him as he dives into Product-Led Growth, illustrating methods to elevate your business to new heights.

Tarek Reslan is the Lead Growth & Marketing Trainer & Coach at Growth Tribe. Although he has a background in computer science, Tarek unexpectedly found his passion in Marketing. He has transformed various businesses, ranging from startups to established corporations, using his growth marketing expertise. In our meetup, Tarek will provide insights and tools to enhance your understanding of users and refine your strategies.

Wrap Up

At the end of this enlightening session, you’ll be equipped with tools, strategies, and insights to innovate and lead in your industry. Reserve your spot now to gain practical insights from our experts. We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!