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How to Build Brand Image and Attract Customers through the Website?

A website is your tool and your communication channel. It is used for several purposes: improving brand recognition, acquiring investors, building a brand image, or attracting customers. In this article, we will focus on the last two functions from this list. If you wish to learn how to build a brand image and attract customers to your website, just read on.

How to Build Brand Image and Attract Customers through the Website?

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How to build a strong brand image using your website?

Almost every business has a website these days, and consumers are used to looking for products and services online. A brand image is no longer seen and built purely through advertising. Instead, it is widely present on the internet. Websites are often the first touchpoint between a brand and its consumers. So, how to build a brand image through them?

What is a brand image?

Let’s begin by defining the term brand image. According to Wijaya, it is “a certain image about the brand in the consumers’ mind”. Unlike the brand’s identity, a brand image is not fully dependent on the company’s effort – there are ways to create a consistent one, but in the end, it all depends on how the clients see you.

How to build a brand image?

Before starting to build your brand image, remember about identifying your marketing personas, determining the most vital business goals and finally coming up with a consistent communication style. Only afterward may you proceed with the web design.

Knowing that we can get to the essence of this chapter: how to build brand image through your website?

  • Choose the right colors – Purely aesthetic as it may seem, the colors used on your website, in your graphic designs or logos play a crucial role. Each hue has its associations that will affect how consumers perceive your brand. Green? Ecology, environment, health, and good luck. Red? Love, excitement, strength, and passion. Think about the emotions that you want your brand to evoke and select the color palette accordingly.
  • Exhibit your logoAccording to Zippia, 75% of consumers recognize brands by their logo. This shows how crucial it is to make it visible. You find one place for it and display it there consistently throughout all the subpages. Our tip here is: put your logo in the upper-left corner – that’s where most people look for it (and that’s where we placed our).
  • Create consistent content – Visuals are one thing, but the true brand image is created by communication – your content. Consider your brand’s personality (although this is usually done while building brand identity) and keep to it. Create a thorough brief for your content writers, choose a style, and make a list of stop-and-go words – only then will you truly maintain consistency.
  • Find a way to stand out – I’m lovin’ it. Finger lickin’ good. Do you know what is so special about these two? When they were introduced, they stood out due to the ungrammatical forms. If you want to create a memorable brand image, you have to come up with something like that – a slogan, a communication style, and a truly different logo.
  • Select your defining featuresWhat’s your mission? What values does your brand embrace? You need to choose 2–3 features that you will underline in your materials. When you come up with them, write your brand’s vision statement and use it as your guide. Place it on the website for your customers to see.
  • Build trust and show your expertise – When you dress for a meeting, you want to look professional, neat, and clean, because you know that the first impression is most important. Your website has to be prepared with the principle in mind – it makes the first impression on the clients. If you want to create a positive image, you should include elements such as the client’s testimonies. This way, you will be sure that your brand is reliable. Include a list of rewards, and case studies as well – this will underline your professionalism and effectiveness.

How to attract customers to your website?

Okay, so you have introduced all the elements from above into your website and achieved a desirable brand image. But, it is only half of the success. You now need to get more people to learn about your business, to see the image. What should you do? How do you attract customers to your website? Find out below.

Professional SEO

Search engine optimization is the basis for any digital or digitalized business. Without it, your site might simply be lost in the vast sea of other websites. It is so critical that we have dedicated a whole article to it: Web design and SEO - making your web app visible. Read it, to find all the aspects that you should optimize.

Work on the UX

No website will successfully attract users if it takes ages to load a page or is simply unintuitive. User experience is a wide topic – it takes everything, from website performance, through the design to high-quality content.

Firstly, you should work with a graphic designer. Stock photos might seem tempting, but to truly show your professionalism, you need to use original images, resonating with your brand image. Returning to our “I’m lovin’ it” example, take a look at McDonald’s page. Most images are consistent with the brand’s image – red and yellow dominating all the graphics. They are also appealing to users, making them more likely to make a purchase.

Secondly, you should embrace white spaces. An overabundance of elements is overwhelming – your potential customers are likely to get discouraged.

Thirdly, make sure that the website works smoothly. Even if you have a team of developers, it might be wise to outsource a team that will perform a code audit. This way, you will get a fresh insight into what can be improved and solutions how to do it.

Finally, fill your website with content. Choose a style that is easily understandable for your target audience and build trust. Include CTAs (call-to-actions) – phrases that will persuade the visitors to become customers.

Put your website in the center of your marketing efforts

Whether you post on social media, run your Google Ads campaign, or embrace e-mail marketing, you need a hub – a central space where your customers have access to all the information they need. A website serves this role perfectly.

If you want to attract customers to your website, simply send them there from any other media. But, for it to work, your webpage has to include:

  • FAQs
  • High-quality content (especially useful for e-mail marketing)
  • Landing pages
  • A way to convert (for e-commerce, it’s an online shopping platform, for other businesses – contact details or inquiry forms)
  • Customer support
  • List of locations (e.g. when you run traditional stores)
  • News

The key takeaways

Now you should know how to attract people to your online store or agency, and how to effectively build a brand image with your website. Whether it’s paying attention to details – choosing the right colors and the best place for your logo – or implementing the more popular strategies – e-mail marketing, social media, or paid advertising – there is one aspect that does not change – your campaign must be well thought-through.

You know how to attract consumers, but do you know how to acquire high-end investors? You can learn that by reading our article: 6 Steps to Optimize Your Website to Attract Investors


Q: How do you measure the effectiveness of the changes made to improve brand image on a website?

A: To measure the effectiveness of changes made to improve a brand’s image on a website, businesses can employ a variety of analytical tools and user feedback mechanisms. Using analytics software, companies can track metrics such as page views, bounce rates, time spent on site, and conversion rates before and after changes are made. A/B testing can also be instrumental, allowing businesses to compare different versions of their website to see which elements perform better in terms of user engagement and sales conversions. Additionally, gathering user feedback through surveys and usability testing can provide qualitative insights into how these changes are perceived by the audience.

Q: What are the common pitfalls to avoid when redesigning a website for better brand image and customer attraction?

A: When redesigning a website to enhance brand image and attract customers, there are several common pitfalls to avoid. One major error is neglecting mobile responsiveness, which can alienate a significant portion of the audience who access websites via mobile devices. Overcomplicating the user interface is another frequent mistake; a cluttered or confusing website can deter users rather than engage them. Additionally, businesses often underestimate the importance of consistent branding across all pages of the website, which can lead to a disjointed user experience that weakens the brand image.

Q: Can you provide examples of businesses that successfully improved their brand image and customer base through website redesign?

A: There are numerous examples of businesses that have successfully revamped their websites to strengthen their brand image and attract more customers. For instance, a well-known retail company redesigned its website to feature cleaner layouts, more intuitive navigation, and faster loading times, resulting in a marked increase in customer engagement and sales. The redesign focused on aligning the website’s aesthetic with the brand’s identity, improving the overall user experience, and optimizing the checkout process, which significantly reduced cart abandonment rates. Such successes underscore the importance of thoughtful design and user-centered strategies in website development.