Lean Startup

Read our articles and learn more about our practical lean startup approach to software development.
ArticleAI and Agile: The Quest for Optimization. Interview with Piotr Majchrzak, Boldare Co-CEO

AI and Agile: The Quest for Optimization. Interview with Piotr Majchrzak, Boldare Co-CEO

When uncertainty hits, decision-makers tend to look for ‘old reliable’ solutions that offer a sense of security, and optimization becomes more important than innovation. On the other hand, a market slowdown is always an opportunity to outpace competitors and strengthen one’s position. How can we reconcile these two opposing forces and use innovation for optimization? About this and many other things, I talked with Piotr Majchrzak, Boldare Co-CEO. Read on to learn more.

ArticleCase study: Optimizing DTIQ's Business Operations

Case study: Optimizing DTIQ's Business Operations

DTIQ, a US-based leader in advanced video surveillance and loss prevention solutions, approached Boldare with a significant challenge impacting their management and decision-making processes. In collaboration, Boldare developed a solution that not only streamlined DTIQ’s internal operations but also benefited DTiQ’s customers across various industries. This case study explores how a custom solution can enhance business efficiency significantly.

ArticleBoldare supports AI startups in Germany in a partnership with K.I.E.Z. initiative

Boldare supports AI startups in Germany in a partnership with K.I.E.Z. initiative

Join Boldare on November 23rd in Berlin for Business Strategy Consultations, supporting AI startups in partnership with the K.I.E.Z. initiative

ArticleStrengthening ties: our ongoing journey with Saudi Arabia

Strengthening ties: our ongoing journey with Saudi Arabia

Matt Pachnik, our business development lead, is set to spend the next two weeks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He’s no stranger to the area and has a distinct purpose: to bolster ongoing relationships and create new ones. This trip marks a perfect opportunity for face-to-face discussions and to identify potential collaborations.

ArticleThe Benefits of Product-Led Growth

The Benefits of Product-Led Growth

Product-led growth is a concept that quickly gains popularity among businesses. It is so since it has a plethora of advantages. In this article, we will present the most prominent benefits of product-led growth to prove how valuable it is to companies nowadays. We will also explain them in more detail.

ArticleThe best ways to validate MVPs

The best ways to validate MVPs

The purpose of creating a minimum viable product (MVP) is to test the key features of your digital product with users. It’s a critical process of validation for both the product and the underlying business idea. The results influence the further development of the final product in line with the build-measure-learn approach that we take at Boldare, ultimately leading to product-market fit. This article focuses on that process of validation, including the various best practices, techniques, and types of MVP used.

Article8 ways to monetize your digital product

8 ways to monetize your digital product

Digital products are not often created ‘just for fun’ – usually, there is a commercial motive involved, a return on the investment of the product’s research, design, development, and launch. After all, if it’s a product worth using, it brings value to its users – that value means it is reasonable to expect something in return. To achieve that “something”, you need to decide how to monetize your product. This article assumes that you have already – as part of the design and development process – researched your target market and understand your users and their pain points. The question here is, what monetization strategies can you use to realize your product’s value?

ArticleDigital Product Launch Strategy that Effectively Attracts New Clients

Digital Product Launch Strategy that Effectively Attracts New Clients

Product launch is always a time of excitement – after weeks, months, and sometimes even years of development, the theory finally becomes practice, and the project finally becomes a product. Yet, before it, you need to come up with a strategy – how to launch your new product? In this article, we will focus exactly on that. Do you want to learn how to attract clients with your product’s premier? Then read on!

ArticleHow to Start Making Sales by Delivering the First Version of a Product

How to Start Making Sales by Delivering the First Version of a Product

The first version of a product always faces additional challenges. It usually does not have enough recognition or a user base, while being the basis for estimating whether further development heads in the right direction. In this article, we will focus exactly on that – making sales by delivering the first version of a product. Do you wish to learn how to do that? Then keep reading.

Article10 Ways to Increase Your Product Market Share

10 Ways to Increase Your Product Market Share

How much of the market does your product or business have? Is it really important to consider or know your market share? How can you increase your product market share and, having captured a slice of the market, how do you keep it? These and other questions are addressed in this article, including a list of nine ways to increase your business or product market share.

ArticleLean Startup Series: Traveling the Build-Measure-Learn Cycle

Lean Startup Series: Traveling the Build-Measure-Learn Cycle

What is the Build-Measure-Learn Cycle? Why is it important and what does the typical process look like? What are the benefits of this? Let's find out!

ArticleBoldare hosted a live meetup in Amsterdam

Boldare hosted a live meetup in Amsterdam

“How to find new users & revenue streams for your digital products?” was a live meetup we hosted on the 14th of December. Our office in Amsterdam was the place where we shared our knowledge and experience in the product-market fit phase. Read on to find out how the meetup went, what questions people asked and what are our plans for follow-ups.

ArticleThe diary of a product owner #3: How can I use the lean startup approach as a product owner?

The diary of a product owner #3: How can I use the lean startup approach as a product owner?

In our experience, the best product owners are the ones that constantly implement new solutions and useful practices. In this article, we will talk about how to make the best use of the lean startup approach when developing digital products. Read on to find out how a lean startup approach can influence your daily work and the product you build.

ArticleLean vs Lean Startup - are they the same thing?

Lean vs Lean Startup - are they the same thing?

“Lean” and “Lean Startup” are often used interchangeably. However, while one refers to an approach to manufacturing or production, the other is more focused on customers and users. But is that all? Read on to find out the differences (and links) between the two.

ArticleMeet the Product-Market Fit team at Boldare

Meet the Product-Market Fit team at Boldare

What are the duties of the Product-Market Fit team at Boldare? What kind of ups and downs do they face in their work? If you want to know the answers, read this conversation with Ula Augustyniak - Senior Product Designer and member of the Product-Market Fit team.

ArticleManagement 3.0 - setting product development metrics with impact

Management 3.0 - setting product development metrics with impact

Are you responsible for digital product development? If so, you’ll know that one of the key challenges is monitoring and understanding the progress being made – are you achieving your goals or not? But which measures will give you the answer? Management 3.0 metrics focus on the systems and environment in place to support the development process

ArticlePhase by phase - benefits of using Full Cycle Product Development

Phase by phase - benefits of using Full Cycle Product Development

What is full cycle product development, and why do we use it at Boldare? Read on to learn about each of the full cycle product development phases.

ArticleHow Lean Startup is different from Agile and Design Thinking

How Lean Startup is different from Agile and Design Thinking

This article seeks to define and disentangle the approaches commonly used in digital product development: Agile, Design Thinking, and Lean Startup. Check it out!

ArticleWhat is the lean startup methodology?

What is the lean startup methodology?

Find out how the lean startup methodology gives you a faster, more efficient development process and a better digital product!

Article10 pro tips on how to create an award-winning website in 3 weeks

10 pro tips on how to create an award-winning website in 3 weeks

At the beginning of 2020 there were 1,744,517,326 websites globally. Each day thousands of new commercial pages appear. How to make sure that a website promoting your products or services will stand out from this crowd? Here at Boldare, we figured it out - it’s a design that makes your customers’ jaws drop and come back for more. We also believe that we cracked the code and discovered a recipe for an award-winning website creation process that is rapid and highly cost-effective. Read on!

ArticleRisk management strategies for building software in a complex and chaotic environment

Risk management strategies for building software in a complex and chaotic environment

The crisis is here. Nobody knows how long it will stay with us. The only thing we know for certain is that you can either face it on your own terms or passively wait until it’s gone. The more agile and conscious of upcoming changes your company is, the more likely it is to emerge from the crisis stronger. But how to embrace this opportunity? Read the first of three articles based on Boldare’s three-part Crash Course webinar series, “Risk Management In Software And Digital Product Development” to learn how and get inspired.

ArticleEffective scaling through teamwork

Effective scaling through teamwork

Scaling is a process of applying significant changes to a product incrementally to ensure it is perfectly suited to a long-term market presence. Scaling is all about focused product enhancements while the product is in use. Scaling teams are focused on rapid, stable improvements.

ArticleLean Startup Series: Innovation Accounting

Lean Startup Series: Innovation Accounting

Innovation accounting is a key element of the lean startup approach. Embodying the ‘measure’ and ‘learn’ elements of the Build-Measure-Learn cycle, innovation accounting enables business owners and developers to create useful metrics that offer insight into user engagement, product-market fit, and scalability.

ArticleLean Startup Series: Validated Learning

Lean Startup Series: Validated Learning

Arguably, nothing changes without learning. There’s no progress, no growth, no improvement without it. As the saying goes, “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”* Any development endeavor that seeks to be better/faster/more must include learning in its process, and taking a lean startup approach to business is no exception.

ArticleLean Startup Series: Vanity Metrics vs. Actionable Metrics

Lean Startup Series: Vanity Metrics vs. Actionable Metrics

Metrics and measurement are at the heart of the lean startup approach and agile methods of product development. Yet measurement alone is not enough – success comes from measuring the right things. However, as Eric Ries, author of “The Lean Startup” has pointed out, there are vanity metrics and there are actionable metrics. Which are useful?

ArticleScaling Your Product – thriving in the market

Scaling Your Product – thriving in the market

In the digital product development process, scaling is the activity that gives the product sustainability and stability. A series of small but significant tested iterations that respond to, and anticipate, the market’s requirements. Not only does scaling involve responding to user feedback and suggestions, but also anticipating user needs in order to increase market share.

ArticleLean process for a better product

Lean process for a better product

Lean startup is a methodology for developing both products and businesses. However, despite the name, this approach isn’t limited only to startups. In fact, the lean framework can be used (and it is) by any company to develop a new product for the market.