Next Normal

Explore articles related to the New Normal, New Future and Next Normal idea and see how we are living it daily.
ArticleWe are partnering with Factory Berlin

We are partnering with Factory Berlin

We have formed a partnership with Factory Berlin, a place that connects specialists from different branches of business, be it tech, creative, or corporate. Read on to learn more about our new partner and how this union will make it easier to contact and meet us.

ArticleThe renewable energy industry in 2023 - our predictions

The renewable energy industry in 2023 - our predictions

Inspired by our collaborations and projects with energy industry clients, we were interested in researching further and sharing our perspective on how to navigate the energy industry beyond 2022. To do so, we spoke to our clients and our product teams to see what trends they see forming in 2023. Read on to learn what conclusions we came to.

ArticleMeet the Boldare Foundation and democratic school, Grajfka

Meet the Boldare Foundation and democratic school, Grajfka

A combination of dreams and frustration can bring about extraordinary things. How to support self-development in a new, variable world? How can the future generation be independent and fulfilled? Read about the Boldare Foundation and its democratic school, Grajfka.

ArticleBusiness solutions that helped our partner grow their business in post-pandemic conditions

Business solutions that helped our partner grow their business in post-pandemic conditions

When two giant competitors hit the market, our client needed to take immediate and effective action in order to save their business. Despite having over twenty-five years of experience, they struggled with adjusting their business model to post-pandemic market conditions. Read on to find out what steps Boldare consultants took to help them resolve their issues and grow in the new competitive environment.

ArticleHow to choose a product development partner in a VUCA era

How to choose a product development partner in a VUCA era

The times are turbulent. Many companies are struggling with difficulties caused by sudden large-scale events: pandemic, war, rising inflation. Under these conditions, finding a reliable development partner sounds like a challenge. Here, we will describe the traits of a product development partner suitable for unpredictable VUCA times.

ArticleHow to get the most out of working face to face?

How to get the most out of working face to face?

Teams working together face to face can still be a positive option, as long as it's planned in an interesting and thoughtful way. Learn our secret ideas to build team spirit in the age of remote working.

ArticleInvitation to an online event: Technology trends in the U.S. Commercial Real Estate Industry

Invitation to an online event: Technology trends in the U.S. Commercial Real Estate Industry

We have recently partnered with one of the fastest-growing Commercial Real Estate (CRE) operators in the U.S. - Olive Tree Ventures. Now we would like to invite you to an online Boldare Business Talks event where we will ask our partner about the newest trends in the U.S. CRE market. We believe this can help our clients identify risks and opportunities that may soon occur in the U.S. real estate sector. Block a time slot: July 7th, 4.30 pm CET.

ArticleWe donated $59,000 for Boldare people’s well-being

We donated $59,000 for Boldare people’s well-being

People now live in a complex reality and often focus on helping others rather than give attention to ourselves. How not to remain indifferent to this situation and effectively care of employees in these difficult times? Meet one of our ideas.

ArticleHow to support people in times of crisis?

How to support people in times of crisis?

Shortly after the conflict in Ukraine started, we asked ourselves: how to help our employees amid the invasion? How to support people affected by this situation? We felt (and still do) a strong need for action and help.

ArticleHelping Ukraine: Boldare strengthens support for Tech To The Rescue

Helping Ukraine: Boldare strengthens support for Tech To The Rescue

Boldare continues and expands its support for our Ukrainian neighbors. We have delegated a development team who, together with Tech To The Rescue (TTTR) and other technological companies, will create a web app that will connect refugees with volunteers and organizations that offer them help from their very first minutes in Poland.

ArticleHow to support social impact organizations in Boldare?

How to support social impact organizations in Boldare?

Is it meaningful to you to help organizations spread their social impact? Do you want to join an organization that builds products pro bono? At Boldare, you would hit home! Find out how our people fulfil their values by acting for charity in the IT sector.

ArticleKey trends in the technology sector according to Piotr Majchrzak, co-CEO at Boldare

Key trends in the technology sector according to Piotr Majchrzak, co-CEO at Boldare

The times are changing, and the technology sector is not immune to those changes. This is why the technology and IT industry will most likely bend in the direction of Web3, onchain and more ethical cultures within organizations. Paradoxically, I believe that the biggest changes in 2022 will not strictly be about technology itself, but what empowers it.

ArticleSummary of Boldare 2021 mission

Summary of Boldare 2021 mission

At the end of every year, there’s a time to summarize and reflect on what we’ve learned and achieved in the previous 12 months. Where were we at the beginning of the year and where are we now? Read on to find out.

ArticleDigital transformation in the education industry – trends, cases & Boldare

Digital transformation in the education industry – trends, cases & Boldare

The education sector has a long history of using technology to aid and support learning. The rate of adoption of new learning technologies received a huge boost from the COVID-19 pandemic, as schools, universities, and other learning organizations were faced with a wholesale shift to remote learning and therefore digital technologies. This article explores the current digital challenges facing education, the trends shaping the future, and how Boldare is supporting the technological evolution of the sector.

ArticleDigital products solving the problems of the automotive industry

Digital products solving the problems of the automotive industry

We present the automobile industry’s recent challenges, and Boldare’s involvement in creating great automotive digital solutions. Digital Transformation in the automotive industry is on!

ArticleDigital innovation as a driver of growth - a talk with Chris Carmichael of TUI

Digital innovation as a driver of growth - a talk with Chris Carmichael of TUI

Chris Carmichael reveals the secret of TUI’s ongoing success despite the travel industry crisis caused by the pandemic. He shares the company’s innovation path and future tech strategy for serving over 20 million tourists a year. How has TUI’s Innovation Lab transformed the business and helped it keep its position among the greatest global leaders of the travel sector? Find out.

ArticleHolacracy in a nutshell: everything you should know if you run a company

Holacracy in a nutshell: everything you should know if you run a company

Almost four years ago, we started our transformation to holacracy. That transformation – deliberately – is still going on today. It’s an ongoing process. In this article, we’ll cover the essentials of what holacracy is, and how we use it here at Boldare. Read on to find out about roles, circles and who decides about salary increases if there are no managers around.

ArticleWhat is a VUCA world and how does it affect digital business?

What is a VUCA world and how does it affect digital business?

In the last few decades, we observe a phenomenon that’s linked with broad access to data and a change in human mindset due to intensification of extreme and unexpected world events (stock market crashes, natural disasters, pandemic). Nothing seems stable, constant, or reliable anymore. This new reality got its name - it’s called a VUCA world. What is VUCA? How to adapt to it?

Article1500 days of holacracy - an interview with Piotr Majchrzak

1500 days of holacracy - an interview with Piotr Majchrzak

Four years ago we transitioned to holacracy - a flat-structured management system that enhances human potential and distributes decision-making between self-organized teams. It helped us to create a smoothly-operating company that accelerates innovation and supports learning through experience. In this article we talk to Piotr Majchrzak, Co-Founder at Boldare, who tells the story of implementing holacracy in our organization.

ArticleBoldareship Academy: how we built our own league of leaders

Boldareship Academy: how we built our own league of leaders

What distinguishes Boldare from other product development companies is a modern approach to management and the promotion of a culture of self-organisation. And these are not just empty words! Four years ago, we introduced holacracy, a management system that has allowed us to maintain a flat structure and a fast pace, despite significant growth of the organisation (and, since implementing holacracy, we have practically doubled the number of employees).

ArticleThis article will change your approach to product development for good

This article will change your approach to product development for good

Are you sick and tired of spending ages on the same project? Do you feel that your strengths and skills go to waste and nobody pays attention to your personal growth? Here it is, our brilliant, smart solution to all of your doubts and frustrations: Full Cycle Product Development. Wait, what?! Please, just give us a moment to explain this complex-sounding phrase a little.

ArticleTransparency at work - our best practices for remote working

Transparency at work - our best practices for remote working

At the beginning of 2020, global companies had to adapt their strategies to a new normal situation which included remote working for many of them. Whether you like it or not, that’s the pandemic reality we all need to face. Boldare has always valued transparency at work highly and considers it to be a key to success, while communicating with both clients and team members. Proper communication, thorough task prioritization, and planning is critical for efficiency in the home office. That’s why today I would like to present to you some of our best practices for working remotely.

ArticleOur New Normal toolkit

Our New Normal toolkit

Today we want to share with you our toolkit - a list of tools and methodologies that we use (or used) during our journey to become a New Normal company. Read on to see our recommendations based on 16 years of operation, experience and discovering best practices the old-fashioned way: by doing and learning.

ArticleBoldare honoured with a NextGen Enterprise Award!

Boldare honoured with a NextGen Enterprise Award!

We are extremely happy and proud to inform you that Boldare has won a NextGen Enterprise Award in the New Enterprise category! The NextGen Enterprise Awards highlight a new type of company that is agile, non-hierarchical and value-driven. These awards are for companies changing their world through their innovative approaches to products and services.

ArticleBoldare at the NextGen enterprise summit 2020

Boldare at the NextGen enterprise summit 2020

Boldare will participate in the NextGen Enterprise Summit, to be held in Paris between 25th and 27th of November. We will be there in a dual role: as a company nominated for a NextGen award in the New Enterprise category, and as host of the Deconstructing leadership workshop, held by Boldare co-founder, Anna Zarudzka.

ArticleHow can radical transparency improve your business?

How can radical transparency improve your business?

Working remotely has undoubtedly saved many businesses over the last six months or so. For some companies, it was their core survival tactic when the coronavirus pandemic hit. But working remotely can also have some drawbacks, especially for those involved in digital product development. Switching to a dispersed model can often put teamworking under stress: communication suffers, people aren’t sure what their colleagues are working on and previous levels of information-sharing aren’t enough in a remote, VUCA business environment. The result is declining efficiency. What’s the solution? For us it’s the radical transparency we have practiced for a long time. Read on to see how your organization can benefit from it as well.

ArticleHow to build psychological safety for more efficient and agile teamwork

How to build psychological safety for more efficient and agile teamwork

If you read this article, you know already that the world has changed. Especially for industries based on providing high quality apps and web products. Without personal communication, distributed teams’ agility and creativity are at risk. If those initial home-office powered productivity peaks decline over the longer term how can we get back to pre-pandemic levels of team performance? For us the solution was improving psychological safety. What is psychological safety and how to create it for your teams? Read on to see four techniques we use to keep our distributed teams in good shape. Then try them out in your organization!

ArticleThe New Normal in Boldare: strategy and tactics

The New Normal in Boldare: strategy and tactics

In the post-COVID-19 era, companies need to reconfigure their operations and meet radically changed demands for products and services. Leadership, organization, culture, and work itself need to adjust to the new reality. They need strategy and tactics. This is how we approached this most crucial challenge in Boldare.

ArticleHow to build an efficient software development team during a crisis?

How to build an efficient software development team during a crisis?

As the pandemic crisis continues, the only certainty is … the lack of certainty. Businesses seem to be adopting one of three basic strategies. First, do nothing, wait and hope (risky!). Second, cut everything you can and aim to rebuild later (more likely to survive but at what cost?) And third, actively plan for the new world as it emerges (the most likely to see you thrive but let’s not underestimate the difficulty). It’s with this last strategy in mind that Boldare put together our three-part Crash Course webinar series, “How to manage risks, web products & software teams in a recession” to help businesses get inspired and get the tools they need to shape their future.

ArticleYou need a Next-Gen company in your risk management strategy

You need a Next-Gen company in your risk management strategy

How to manage software development risks during global health and economy crisis? The question is not “how to avoid the risk” but “how to reduce it and push further". For that you need a Next-Gen company in your risk management strategy

ArticleWhen two become one. The story of Boldare

When two become one. The story of Boldare

This story is not about merging companies. This story is about people. People who for the last 14 years were building exciting digital products. This story is about how software development meets design to create something new yet valuable for end users. This is the story of Boldare.