ArticleHow to Do UX Research Without Reaching Users

How to Do UX Research Without Reaching Users

User testing is a crucial tool for most product designers. However, my recent experience shows that sometimes, the team working on an app doesn’t have access to its users due to client restrictions or language barriers. This means that, while the team wants to conduct user testing, they simply can’t. So, how do you deal with it? Is it possible to conduct the testing anyway? In this article, I will explain how to bypass these obstacles. Enjoy your reading!

ArticleDoes the Size Matter? Large vs. Small Language Models

Does the Size Matter? Large vs. Small Language Models

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has made incredible progress, impacting many parts of our daily lives. At the center of this revolution are language models, which allow machines to understand and generate human language. These models vary in size, from the massive GPT-4 to smaller, task-specific ones. As AI evolves, a key question arises: does the size of a language model really matter? In this blog post, I’ll explore this by comparing large and small language models, discussing their strengths, limitations, and practical uses. Read on to find the best solution for your needs.

ArticleCut costs and increase revenue with Product Discovery Workshops

Cut costs and increase revenue with Product Discovery Workshops

Product development is expensive, and with software engineer costs still rising, we can’t expect expenses to go down anytime soon. However, this doesn’t mean investors or stakeholders can’t find ways to spend more efficiently. When creating or improving a product, there are several helpful tools that can reduce investment risks, cut costs, and increase revenue through smart decision-making. One such tool is the Product Discovery Workshop. Today, I will focus on potential problems and the discovery tools that can help lower costs and ensure high revenue.

ArticleJoin Our Discord Server: A Community Hub for our OpenAI Assistant

Join Our Discord Server: A Community Hub for our OpenAI Assistant

Some time ago, we launched Boldare’s OpenAI Assistant, our very own NestJS library created for the developer community. Its goal is to reduce the time required to launch an AI-based app to an absolute minimum, saving between one to two weeks of work. Today, we are excited to announce that we have started a dedicated Discord server to support the community with a space where they can share their knowledge and ideas. Read on to learn more!

ArticleLean and Agile - What Are the Differences?

Lean and Agile - What Are the Differences?

Lean and Agile are two popular methodologies that heavily influence the ways digital products are built. Despite focusing on similar values, they are quite different. Lean emphasizes reducing waste and increasing efficiency, while Agile focuses on rapid product delivery through iterative development. Both methods prioritize customer satisfaction and quality, but they differ in their approach and execution. This article explores the core principles of Lean and Agile, highlighting their differences and similarities to help you decide which approach best suits your project needs.

ArticleThe 7 Lean Software Development Principles

The 7 Lean Software Development Principles

Lean manufacturing is a concept born in the 20th century, focused on honing processes to reduce waste, increase productivity, and emphasize accountability and innovation. This concept can be (and has been) extended to any production process – if you’re creating a product, you can do in a lean manner – so it’s no surprise that Mary and Tom Poppendieck’s book Lean software development applied Lean thinking to the creation of digital products. Read on to explore the seven basic principles underpinning the Lean approach to software development.

ArticleHow to Boost Your Website Traffic with AI: Insights from an SEO Expert

How to Boost Your Website Traffic with AI: Insights from an SEO Expert

For most digital businesses, online visibility in search engines like Google is a matter of life and death. It provides brand visibility and allows them to acquire paying customers. That’s why companies are eager to spend thousands of dollars on SEO support to ensure their website ranks higher than their competitors. That’s why during this week’s “Around the Product Development,” we talked with Wojtek Urban, an SEO expert from Delante SEO agency. Our topic is how to increase your website traffic with AI tools. Enjoy!o

ArticleMastering Nearshore Outsourcing: Expert Tips from Two+More

Mastering Nearshore Outsourcing: Expert Tips from Two+More

This week on “Around the Product Development,” we welcomed Siobhan Child and Matt Pollitt, co-founders of Two+More, to discuss the challenges of nearshore software outsourcing. Siobhan and Matt shared their unique approach to combining UK-based product and design leadership with nearshore development partnerships. Curious about how to navigate cultural differences and manage remote teams effectively? Dive into the interview or watch the full discussion to learn more.